How Much Concentrate Should You Pack In Your Rig?

Things are getting sticky at Exxus Vape today because we are diving head first into the world of concentrate vaporizers to give you a definitive answer on how much wax you should actually be putting into your device each hit.
Keep reading in this Vaporizer Blog to learn everything you need to know about loading concentrates and start getting more from your devices all by starting off on the right footing with a proper pack.
Can You Pack Dabs Like Dry Herbs?
No. While coming from similar plant based origins, it is very important to know that dry herbs and wax have completely different requirements for consumption. This means that if you try to pack the wax atomizer on your Mini Plus to the same level you would a dry herb vape - you are going to have a bad time.
While dry herbs can be loaded using your hands, concentrates used for dabbing are a sticky material not unlike honey and require metal tools or hot knives to properly manipulate. Luckily for us, you don’t have to put in as much wax, so using the tools is much less work than you may think.

Packing Too Little Wax
To start things off, let's go into what happens when you don’t put enough material into your chamber and then fire it up for a dab. Should you happen to put too little wax into your chamber you are going to notice several distinct issues from your hit.
First off it is going to be harder to pull from your device and the subsequent vapor is going to be much less dense than it should be. At the same time the wax that is inside your atomizer is going to get super heated and potentially burn into the sides of your device resulting in the stains that are commonly referred to as chazz.
This means that not only are you going to get a reduced weak hit, but you are also going to have to put in more work to clean your device post hit. We all want to conserve our concentrates, but if you don’t put in enough the device won’t work properly.
Packing Too Much Wax
On the other side of the aisle, we’ve got a reverse case which is when you have packed too much concentrate into your atomizer. Trust us when we say we’ve all been here, sometimes your eyes get bigger than your stomach and you load on a death star sized flat glob expecting a heroic hit but instead… are left with a wasted wax and clogged vape.
The fact of the matter is that for the vast majority of concentrate vaporizers, you aren’t supposed to get anywhere near filling your chamber completely.
Despite the chamber having room for a truly atomic amount of wax, they are only ever meant to be loaded with a slight amount of materials in order to function properly.
Should you end up packing too much wax your hit will be compromised as the concentrates won’t reach the required temperatures for vaporization and instead will languish in an in between. Ultimately this means all that extra wax you packed into your vape is going to waste and you are going to be left up dab creek without a paddle.
What Are The Benefits Of Properly Packing Your Wax?
Now that we’ve let you know why you should avoid improperly packing your wax, we wanted to go over all the benefits that you will be getting by taking these simple steps to heart. When you pack the correct amount of wax, you are allowing the vaporizer to work exactly as intended and therefore are getting 100% of its power.
You can expect to enjoy stronger flavor profiles, smoother vapor, and higher intensity all from operating in this sweet spot of packing. This is all with putting the same or less wax into your rig, which means you are going to be stretching your concentrate investments far longer.
That means if you are using our flagship concentrate vaporizer, the Go Plus Concentrate Vaporizer when you pack the appropriate amount of wax you are going to get water filtered vapor with the purest of possible flavors every time.
How To Pack Concentrate Just Right
So how do we get the perfect pack? Well at Exxus Vape we follow a rule of thumb that it's best to load your atomizer with wax that is equivalent to about half the size of a grain of rice. With higher temperatures you can pack up to a full grain of rice sized ball of wax, as the extra heat will help take care of the extra materials.
While this measurement may seem a bit abstract, it's actually a great way to ensure that you are never over filling your atomizer. A grain of rice is very small and that’s the whole point - we want you to have the image of a tiny bit of wax in your head as that’s truly the optimal amount for a dab.
When it comes to loading your dabs, you can always put in more concentrate but it is very hard to get some out without cleaning your entire atomizer.
Despite being potently delicious, concentrates can be a real pain to move around and once in your VRS Atomizer it's best to leave them there so as to not scratch your oven. That’s why we say start slow and work your way up.
If you are using the VRS Atomizer in its nectar collecting mode, we recommend using a similar sized bit of wax for each hit. While nectar collecting lets you take slightly larger hits, it’s important not to go overboard to avoid the risk of not getting the most of your materials.
The best way to get the most out of your concentrate is to take your time while seshing and enjoy multiple smaller hits, instead of trying the big glob to rule them all. While you may have seen videos of guys with huge beards taking foot long dabs - this is absolutely not what you want to be doing.
The slow and steady method not only works better, but it will give you a much much MUCH more intense experience than attempting to chug it all at once with a mega pack.

All Packed Up
Well now that we know how to get a perfect wax pack, there is nothing left to do but get out there and pack yourself a hit of your own! Make sure to follow along with our tips and you will be getting the most flavorful, potent, and silky smooth clouds of your life!
For more tips and tricks from the Exxus Team, make sure to check out our official Vaporizer Blog right here! Have a great rest of your week and make sure to blow some Exxus clouds along the way!