Why Exxus Vape Supports Your Right To Repair

Sep 11, 2024
Why Exxus Vape Supports Your Right To Repair

The old saying goes, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. Well what if it is broken? Unfortunately for most things out there the modern corporate answer has become “buy a new one!”.

Yes, instead of even considering the option of repair, modern thinking would have one ready to dispose of their old device and just move on to the next one. Thus instead of simply buying the 1/10th of the product you need, you have to spend all that money for a new one.

At Exxus Vape we reject this here today, gone tomorrow attitude and instead strongly believe in your right to repair! This means we will try our best to always give you an option to fix your vaporizer if possible, instead of just throwing it away.

Keep reading for a breakdown of what the right to repair exactly is and to see why we at Exxus Vape hold its tenants so close to our hearts!

What Is A Right To Repair?

The “right to repair” is a concept that has arisen during modern times that exists both as a philosophical concept and a legal framework.

In the eyes of the right to repair, when you buy an appliance you aren’t just getting a lease to use it as is, you are buying a right to have it in perpetuity. In order to facilitate this support, appliances need to be able to be fixed part by part.

Instead of forcing consumers to buy a whole new tractor, vaporizer, or other miscellaneous devices; the right to repair lets you fix the current issue to save the whole of your purchase.

Blocks in a row that say "Right to Repair"

Why Does Exxus Vape Support Your Right To Repair?

So why exactly does Exxus vape support this? Well below we decided to break down some of the positive impacts that we believe it can have on not just your vaporizing experience, but for the earth at large!

The right to repair is about far more than just your vaporizer, which is why at Exxus Vape we proudly support you with our extensive selection of replacement parts.

Good For Your Wallet

First off, without even having to break out the calculator it's pretty easy to see that buying a new screen for $8.99 is a better deal than having to buy a whole new Mini Plus for $124.99.

That’s why if your Mini Plus was having issues with a clogged screen, instead of having to go ahead and buy a whole new one, you can just buy a replacement screen to fix the issue. This saves you time and a whoooole boatload of money and you end up with the same result.

While you will always have the option to get a new device from us, we believe that getting a replacement part is a great way for you to save money to spend on something new!

Two hands holding open a wallet with cash inside

Beneficial To The Environment

Helping you repair your vaporizer isn’t just a helpful way to save you money, it makes a real tangible difference in our overall carbon footprint!

Instead of using all the energy it takes to create a whole new vaporizer, you can instead buy a small component and get the same exact effect. This cuts out the whole fleet of vehicles and machinery that it takes to get you a whole new device.

By saving here, we create a butterfly effect where we produce less waste and also value the items we have in our lives more. Less bulky trash means less landfills and in the long run that is going to add up to quite a lot.

Feel free if you want to pat yourself on the back now, no matter the reason behind your actions you are positively affecting our planet by making use of these replacement parts!

Good For The Community

Exxus operates on the golden rule - treat others as you would yourself - which is why we have chosen to put our best foot forward in being your vaporizing partner by allowing for you to actually fix your devices.

Having these replacement components is just how we do things at Exxus, we always want to make the process of maintaining your vapes as easy as possible so you can focus on the real important things - enjoying your clouds!

We believe that by allowing you to get all these great replacement components is putting our money where our mouth is and actually demonstrates that we make good on our promises to you all!

Exxus Mini Plus Screen Assembly with paint buckets

Exxus Replacement Parts

Now that you know all of the wide ranging benefits that can come from you making use of our excellent selection of replacement parts, you can continue your sessions knowing full well that if any issues arise, that Exxus has your back!

Make sure to check out the rest of our product highlights and vaporizing guides right here at the Exxus Blog!

Stay chill and stay vaping!